Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Rattle Yer Bones

We had a bit of a skeleton theme going on today. 

Holidays like these make it SO easy to look like you're incredibly organized but really you just throw a few things together and it magically has a "theme".

After pouring through eight (EIGHT!!!) pages of homework for Calen (he gets a weekly packet....averaging 14-18 pages of homework a week....in Kindergarten?? I specifically remember not having homework until I was in 3rd grade. But I digress...), the kids made skeletons out of q-tips and glue. I followed a picture online and shaped the pieces and the kids did the gluing (well Cam didn't...I helped). It's a cute little project that took a mere 15 minutes but was a hit and most importantly FREE, especially if you are like me and bought q-tips from Costco like five years ago and haven't used them up yet. 

Then we donned our all-important skeleton pajamas (okay the kids did...I am unfortunate enough to not own a pair) and watched the Nightmare Before Christmas. And we'll probably watch something completely benign between that and bedtime, like Doc McStuffins or something equally G-rated. Jack Skellington is a favorite in our house but not bedtime friendly quite yet (though I'd probably have a hard time not laughing if Calen came in saying he had a dream about Oogie Boogie). Movie snack of the night: Cheetos' "Bag of Bones". White cheddar bone shapes that allow you to make skeletons. 

But of course.

The graveyard...
"Bag o Bones" except it's not in a bag, it's in a cauldron. 
What a delicious looking skeleton man!

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