Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve

When was the last time I actually celebrated New Years?

Umm like eight years ago. At least. 

But believe it or not this year I'm celebrating it even though I still feel like poo. Luckily it is only next door at our friends house so I could put Cam to bed before we went over there and forget about him not worry about him  

And I let Calen stay awake until 10:30pm. And he cried when I said it was actually time to go to sleep. 

And Kyle made awesome Where's Waldo glasses that I totally sported. 

And it's still New Years Eve so I'm heading back over there now that I've successfully been a good parent and checked on the baby and put the other kid to bed. 

So long, 2012! It's been a fun year. 


Sunday, December 30, 2012

The 12th Man

These two are big Hawks fans. Clearly. 

Future Linebackers
We had the next door neighbors (also from Washington State, also Seahawks fans) over tonight for the big game, pizza, beer, the All-American experience you know. 

I'm not sure if Kyle and Calen were trying to be tough, or silly, or a little of both. But it was cute. 

And the Hawks won. Time for the playoffs!   

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lego Maniacs

I don't think the boys have enough Legos, do you?

Christmas didn't help a bit at all, either.

Daddy and Calen had fun building castles today while Mommy took a much needed drive alone to run some errands up north. 

Also today, the boys did a really good job eating all their dinner (for once ever), so we rewarded them by letting them have the biggest chocolate snowman in the history of ever (for a 3 and 1 year old), straight from their Christmas stockings. 


Friday, December 28, 2012

A Little R&R

Now this kid knows how to relax. 

I think we're pretty much getting over this sick nonsense. Except for Calen who woke up sniffly this morning. 

Sorry, we've been pretty boring since Christmas. 

Though I did manage to de-decorate half of the house and remove the Christmas tree. But now my living room looks barren. Time to scour Pinterest for decorating ideas.  

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Next Biodiesel

Oh how I loathe the Cape May Crud!

If I could figure out a way to transform snot into some sort of biodegradable fuel, I would make millions. And today alone I would have produced enough to fuel an entire major U.S. city for six months. 

But until I figure out the perfect recipe for the next answer to biodeisel, I spent the day in my pajamas, letting the kids watch horrific amounts of tv, and dressing them up like Buzz Lightyear as they play with their Toy Story figures


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hooded Hooligans

Well the Christmas honeymoon is over and we are all sick. 

By "all" I mean everyone except Brad, who just got over being sick for no less than six years. 

So we laid around and watched movies and had an extended bathtime

The boys tried out their new totally awesome superhero hooded towels so they can save Gotham City, NYC, and any other city they can possibly think of. 

Having boys is so fun. 


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas world!

We had a big day. After all, go big or go home when it comes to Christmas. Prior to today we had donated/sold/thrown away about 90% of the kids' toys in anticipation of new toys. 

And we totally went overboard. 

Because that's what's fun about Christmas. Having your kids wake up and see an incredibly overflowing Christmas tree that takes TWO hours to open. 

The kids got everything they wanted. Calen asked Santa for a pirate ship for him and a firetruck for his brother. And Santa delivered. He also got the boys each their very own little foam sofas that fold out to be nap mats. Which.They.Love. And tons and tons of other toys, pajamas, dress up stuff (fireman suits and pirate and police, for example), movies, Nerf guns, anything and everything you can think of. 

And more. 

The big joint gift from my grandparents was a big Powerwheels 4 wheeler. Which daddy and I totally forgot about. Until after the boys had gone down for a much needed nap. So after they woke up, we took them outside for one last surprise. 

Calen LOVES it. He drives it well, even the hand throttle to activate the turbo. Up and down the sidewalk, the grassy hill behind the house, over and over. Brad even held Cam on the back who also had a blast. 

Then came Christmas dinner with our Coast Guard family. Good times, good food, bacon wrapped turkey, what could be better?

Enjoy the photo dump. 


Monday, December 24, 2012

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

When all through the house

Not a creature was stirring.

(Except for Mom, who was busy setting everything up to make it perfect). 

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, 

While visions of sugarplums (or Santa Claus) danced in their heads. 

Blah blah blah there arose such a clatter blah blah now Dasher now Dancer blah blah up the chimney he rose...

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

(and have lots of fun tomorrow morning!)  

We had a Santa sighting this evening (or more like a Santa hearing, as Calen and his neighbor friends definitely heard some sleigh bells outside after dark), a traditional viewing of Polar Express after dinner, decorated some sugar cookies for Santa and then whisked them to bed so that Santa could come. 

Now that daddy and I are done playing with their new toys setting them up under the tree, we are enjoying some apple cider and A Christmas Story. 

Happy Christmas Eve!!



Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Parties and Seahawks O'Clock

So we had a Christmas party today for our neighbor kids. They decorated giant snowman cookies, had donut eating contests, gift exchange and all that fun stuff. 


The Seahawks game is on and we're currently ahead 28-6 in the 3rd and we're currently losing our voices cheering on the blue and green. 

So it's a short post tonight while we enjoy the game with friends.

P.S. I didn't take many pictures today anyways, mostly video. 

Donut eating contests. Oh yeah this was a pajama party

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Earth 1, Apocalypse 0

Well apparently we survived the apocalypse.

Applause please. And some champagne. 

And now back to our regularly scheduled program. 

First of all I totally finished wrapping presents last night! And as usual we went totally overboard with the kids, nevermind the fact that we got rid of probably 85% of their toys before the holidays. 

But that's how Christmas should be. Overboard with generosity and fun. 

 Today we indulged in some gingerbread house making since Calen couldn't really participate hands on with the train since it was so complex, and when the mommy's and daddy's commandeered the other two gingerbread houses at our friends' house. 

So Calen made this one all himself (or guided us when he wanted us to help). 



Friday, December 21, 2012

Wrap It Up

This is what is going on in our house tonight. Only four days left until the big day!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jingle Balls and the End Of The World

Hey guys, did you know that tonight is the last day on earth? 

According to some "experts" that claim that just because the Mayans ran out of stone or interest or they went extinct before they could get past Dec 21st 2012. 

Well I'm not about to put foil on my head or load our rifle or cash out my bank account (actually, I did cash it out, in the form of Christmas shopping), but if by some teensy weensy possibility that it is the end, I am prepared. 

With an entire tray of Rice Krispy Jingle Bell Balls. 

No point in dieting now. 

And yes, there will be a blog tomorrow. Obviously. 

End of the World rations

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ninja-Bread Men

You know what the best thing about Christmas is (other than the trees, the lights, the presents, etc etc)?

Baked goods.

We indulged in a little gingerbread cookie making today. 

Did you know that you can buy pre-made ready to bake gingerbread cookie dough in the store? I didn't either! That's makes things SO much easier. 

And in true Hansen fashion, we decided to do a little play on words and use NINJA-bread men cookie cutters that my neighbor has (and that I am totally purchasing on Amazon like right now). 

Because what is a better combination on this earth than ninjas and gingerbread?

We had the neighbor girls and another friend over to play and decorate and more importantly eat


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Polar Express Kind of Night

We're rested (sort of), unpacked, cleaned up, and ready to continue on with the holidays here in Cape May. 

And what better way to carry on at home than with some pictures in front of the tree, crafts, a yummy treat and a holiday movie?

Calen and I decorated a foam 3D Christmas tree after dinner, then we got into pajamas and watched Polar Express for the first time this year. Complete with hot chocolate with marshmallows and a candy cane stirrer. 

Did I mention that Polar Express is my favorite Christmas movie ever?

Also: The hot chocolate was really pretty in it's snowman mug with a candy cane sticking out, but let's be realists. That in the hands of a 3.5 year old with a bouncing 19 month old next to him spells major spillage. So, I transferred it to a mug with a lid. And it just so happens that the candy cane fit inside. 

Another reality check: Calen didn't understand that he could "drink" the candy cane and he was pretty pissed that it was stuck inside the mug. He later surrendered the entire mug of hot chocolate (insisting it was "too hot" even though it was cool) for some peppermints. 

And also, there's something disgustingly cute about matching footie Christmas pajamas. Especially when they both cross their legs at the same time. 


Monday, December 17, 2012

Travel Day

If exhaustion could be a person, I'm it. 

We started at 5am pacific time. We headed to Seatac airport, said our tearful goodbyes, waited in loooong lines, had a major security meltdown (from our 19 month old anyways. Taking away favorite blankies to be scanned by the xrays is a serious toddler violation). Then we finally got to the gate and had expensive airport food breakfast. 

And then we were delayed an hour and 45 minutes no thanks to heavy fog.

I remember when I liked to fly. I sure as hell don't anymore.

I assumed, since the kids were awake forever and didn't sleep well last night, that they would easily take a nap on the plane. 

They did not. Not even Cam, whose eyes were incredible shades of black and red from being so tired. He slept for 15 minutes. At least this time, he didn't scream. He just whined. And kicked the seat in front of him.

And then they both fell asleep before we even left the airport parking lot. Turdfaces. 

Highlight of the day: while delayed in Seattle, a one man band marched by playing Christmas carols with his drum/harmonica/symbols/100 other instruments attached to him. Super fun. 

AND also at Seatac, Frosty the Snowman and a REALLY cool snow princess came around randomly and talked to all the kids. She was a good one, with an accent and perfect pose whenever a camera pointed to her. Maybe she used to work for Disney.

Cam was busy marching around the terminal when he saw the duo and stopped dead in his tracks. Then he continued to follow the princess (he ignored the snowman) all around the terminal smiling at her. It was love. 

Caminator was excited to meet some celebrities.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hansens the Younger

The Hansen Christmas party was today. Our last big show before we fly back to New Jersey tomorrow first thing. 

This was the first time that all of the great grandkids - four boys - were all together. And so we attempted to take a picture of the boys. 

Four boys. Ranging in age of 7 months to 3 years. Holding still on a couch to take a picture.


The outcome was pretty funny. Unimpressed faces and one big brother desperately attempting to prevent little brother from escaping. 

These are the real memories, people. 

Cousins. Colt, Calen, Camden and Kasen.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Lights of Christmas

Now that I'm rested, I'll talk about yesterday. Today isn't that exciting anyways, we are just sitting around watching Miracle on 34th Street and getting over random colds/flus/sickies.

So last night we went to Warm Beach, which isn't warm and I'm pretty sure there is no beach. But it does have a lot of Christmas lights. A lot. Like over a million lights in a big, outdoor, wooded summer camp place. 

Enough lights that we totally saw a fuze blow up with smoke and fire and all that awesomeness. 

So we walked around in the cold and looked at all the incredible light displays. Every tree, bush, building, rock, wall, animal and insect was covered in lights. There were carolers and hot cider and carmel corn and cinnamon donuts. 

It was an especially fun trip for Calen. He made his own Christmas ornament and met Frosty the Snowman and even Santa Claus. AND, most importantly, he (and the rest of us) got to ride a train around the park to see all the lights. 

We figured, since it was 8:30pm when we got back the car and had a longish ride home, that both boys would crash out after walking around so much. 

They knew that we figured that and were determined to prove us wrong.

So they had a raspberry blowing contest the whole drive home. And then they'd laugh at each other after each blow. When we got home Calen marched right to bed fully clothed, but Cam stayed up for an extra hour laughing, squealing and rampaging the house. 

Damn those cinnamon donuts and all their glory.