Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Legos and Leninade

Here we are still in Leavenworth visiting my grandparents. Leavenworth is a fun tourist town that is totally in America but likes to pretend it's in Germany (specifically, Bavarian). There are sausage eateries and beer gardens that specialize in German beer and even most of the shop owners wear and sell lederhosen. But not the wooden clogs. Which they totally should be wearing. Wait, that's Dutch isn't it? I've got my international silly clothing mixed up. 

So we went into this store today and they had a chicken section. Everything in this little corner was a chicken. Chicken statues and chicken salt and pepper shakers, chicken towels and chicken signs. And then were was this chicken fan. It's a fan. But it's a chicken. I'm not really sure why this is so. But it totally worked and it was blowing chicken air at me. I really wanted it but Brad said no. 

A fan that's a chicken but it's also a fan.

I also found the coolest bottle of soda on the face of the earth anywhere ever. It's called "Leninade" (like Leningrad. You know, Soviet Union? Watch the History Channel here or there) and it had the best slogan ever "Get hammered and sickled!" And it commanded you to "drink comrade! Join the socialist flavor!". So I bought it and plan on flying it home and displaying it in my house like a normal human being. Everyone needs to own a bottle of communism.

Because the only acceptable soda is communist soda.

Calen got his first real Lego set today (he usually plays with Lego Duplos - larger Lego pieces for smaller hands) but this one was just too fun to pass up, like five thousand different little cars and a tow truck to pull them around with. Calen couldn't really put them together himself but he was good at installing the wheels on the cars and was pretty excited about something new to play with. 

I also learned today how lame real Legos are in a household with a one year old who likes to pick things up and slam them down on hardwood floors. It was basically raining tiny little pieces all over the house today and me desperately trying to put cars back together for the 29th time before the Caminator found and swallowed all the pieces. 

But Legos are so cool, how could we resist buying them?

Putting wheels on his Lego cars

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