Saturday, April 13, 2013

Things That Keep Our House Operational (Outside Edition)

We had another beautiful day today. The kids were forced to play outside. They spent seven months begging to play outside and then the first week where it's nice out they ask to play inside. And thus, I say tough @&$! and toss them out into the cruel world. 

They played for a while with the neighbors but got bored and started moping/whining/asking to go inside. But it was 60 degrees and I wanted to stay outside. 

Back when I was a kid, we had to "rough" it. We made fun with sticks, rocks, tennis rackets and whatever primitive items we could get our hands on. So I took a page out of the 90s Kid book and showed the kids how to be entertained with basic randomness. 

So, I got a bucket. And a sponge. And some dish soap. And a hose. And combined them. I told them to "wash something". The sidewalk, the outdoor toys I don't know soap and water and sponges seemed to have endless possibilities. 

They thought it was fabulous. They actually found it "fun" to wash both family cars and the large toy dump truck. And hey, we got clean cars out of it. And they got 50 cents each (except for my kids, who get a lot more from me than 50 cents).

And Camden sucked on sponges. Soapy sponges. 

Whatever, kid. 



  1. It's the Montessori idea that kids naturally want to work, that work presented as fun is never work.

  2. I love that you gave them 50 cents!! That was my big pay-day too from my neighbor :)
