Saturday, September 27, 2014

Apple Picking

Although NO one would believe it since it's 80 degrees around here, it's late September which means it's fall and FALL means apple picking!

We drove up to the "mountains" of Julian, California today (which is apparently well known for it's apple orchards and apple pies) with friends, up a horrifically winding road that combined with sitting in the back seat and my headache medicine just about killed me (which it didn't, but it did force my poor friends to pull over so I could be that friend that pukes on the side of the road...we'll see if they invite me to anything else ever again....). We got there right when the orchard opened so we had the entire place to ourselves. Eating while picking was encouraged, and we took full advantage of it. Especially Camden, who personally test-tasted every apple by taking a single bite of each one and putting it in his bag. I ended up having to dump half his apple bag out to replace with non-eaten apples. 

Commence photo dump:

By the end of the day, we brought home a shit ton of apples...

...and some treats. Including an entire apple pie which I ate half of for dinner. 

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