Monday, December 18, 2017

Day 17: (Fake) Snow Day!

After the crazy day yesterday, we needed an easy day today. Like, a day where the kids basically look after themselves and stay the heck out of our business. 

Earlier this season I had purchased a good sized bag of that instant snow stuff. You know, the anthrax looking powder that you add water to and in the blink of an eye it's "snow". Last year, we did this on a much smaller scale, enough to fill maybe a tupperware container. This year I decided more is better, because MORE IS ALWAYS BETTER, and got enough to make almost 10 gallons worth. We filled up a large storage tote with it and left it in the garage with a sign and Fred, our Elf on a Shelf. Then I decided that Fred should be skiiing in it, because I like to make my life complicated. So, I devised some skis out of popsicle sticks and poles out of candy canes and hot glued some pipe cleaner fasteners on it and plopped "Nordic Fred" into the snow. 

Do you KNOW how hard it is to stand up a flimsy elf (even after we sewed wire into his limbs last year) on popsicle/candy cane skis in fake snow?


So I sat him in the snow like he fell or something and left it at that.

Fred retires this year. Thank God. 

That stupid elf. Also Santa Jack Skellington joined us
Anyways, once the surprise from Fred was discovered we spread out a painter's tarp and dumped the snow out. Instantly the boys scrambled to get all their Star Wars guys and had en epic, two hour long "Hoth Battle" (Star Wars....Hoth is the Ice Planet....stay with me here non-nerd friends), down to having a rebel base and trenches and snow speeders crashed in the snow. 

The trenches of the Rebel Hoth Base

The best part about this stuff is we can just pour it back in the storage tote for later use. And if it dries out, just add water!

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