It's Rebel's birthday! And yes we do have it on the calendar and yes, we did celebrate.
Actually the only reason we even know what day he was born was because I received an email from the breeder that day that the litter was born, and it ended up in my phone calendar ever since.
Rebel Yell (Rebel Scum) Hansen, born 4.17.2018.
So there it is.
Rebel is 5 today! That's 35 in dog years. He's almost as old as me!
Though he acts like an actual five year old child. Age is nothing but a number anyways.
Rebel is literally the best dog we've ever had. Better even than Juno (which is hard to do). He doesn't bark, jump, counter surf (unless it's butter), chew, pee on things, or do anything naughty whatsoever. He obeys every time you command him. He's literally the goodest of boys.
And the goodest of boys deserves to have a celebration on his birthday.
We had saved an especially large Bark Box (that was ordered by mistake) for him for today. He got not one but FOUR new toys, new chewies and treats. We took out the treats and put the box on the floor where he delightedly picked out each toy one by then, walked around with them in his mouth, then decided that the BOX was the best present of all, snatched it and ceremoniously destroyed it in the living room.
Just like actual five year olds. The box is the best toy.
Happy birthday Rebel Scum!
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