Saturday, June 28, 2014

365 Days in SD, Days 4-17

Well there goes my theory to post every day for the next year, NO thanks to it being impossibly difficult to get an appointment for internet installation (who knew it could be so challenging in a major metropolis?! Something is wrong, here). 

The last two weeks have been busy to say the least. Moving in to the new house. Unpacking the new house. Getting every built/put together/rearranged/cleaned up as quickly as we could possibly go. Brad deploying six days after moving in to the new house. Figuring out a new schedule for a new house, new city, and new circumstances being a single parent. Oh and trying to see as much of the area as we can in the short year(+) that we have here. 

Did I ever mention how much I haaaaate moving?!?!

I took lots of pictures of the adventures of the last two weeks but of course couldn't post them because the powers that be thought I needed to wait this long to have internet. I was suffocating without my wonderful broadband oxygen. So here's the last two weeks in quick review:

Day 4: officially move in to this place. Goodbye townhome, hello single homes!
Day 5: exploring the USS Midway aircraft carrier in downtown
Day 6: comparing muscles on the beach like normal surfer dudes
Day 7: rolling down the grassy hill at the "Park at the Park" at the Padres game. Great for kids that like baseball but can't sit through a 3 hour game
Day 9: experiencing my first full sized behemoth cockroach. It was huge and I may never walk barefoot again. 
Day 11: sneaking out of bedrooms with disguised as a giant T-Rex so mom won't notice. This has been every night.
Day 13: making sure to order my burger "animal style"
Day 14: Space ice cream at the Air and Space Museum. Because obviously.

Day 15: Juno has most assuredly lost her mind. Those squirt guns are definitely a threat to the household.
Day 16: Strawberry picking in Carlsbad. Which was mostly strawberry eating and mom filling up their buckets. 
And now that you're all caught up and I have the interwebs and everyone is happy, we can return to our regularly scheduled program. 

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