Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Come to the Dark Side (And Shop)

I had a really busy day and an even busier evening, in the fun sort of way. But I'm really tired and it's really late so I am not boring amusing you with all the dirty little details of the day. Except this part. 

I ran like 29311 errands today. Including buying a few things at Walmart.

Don't judge me! It's the only department store around. Except that Kmart down the road, but it looks like the roof is going to cave in if I step inside. 

I had to buy a few things. So I used my reusable shopping bag. But not just any shopping bag. My Lego Star Wars shopping bag! 

You wish you had one.

I hear you judging me some more. You just wish you were as cool as me and were brave enough to flaunt a Lego Star Wars shopping bag all over your neighborhood.

It's even cooler when you have Star Wars LEGOS inside the bag! (Hey, if I'm walking around with a Lego Star Wars bag, I better buy some Legos! Besides, it came with a PLANET. How could I resist my guilty pleasure Calen's pleads?)

How could I say no to a pod-racer and a PLANET? Dude.

Okay, I'll admit it. I probably wouldn't have brought the bag if I didn't have the kids with me. You know, that way I can blame them for carrying it around but secretly have it for myself. 

Pssh, whatever. Forget that last statement. I'd carry it around anyways. Because I am all that is awesome.  

You know what I REALLY want to do? Sling this baby over my shoulder and take it into Macy's or Coach. The reactions would.be.priceless. Hmmm. Better add that to my to-do list.

P.S. Star Wars IS the cool thing now...it's not nerdy anymore. So there you go. I'm cooler than you. 


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