Saturday, September 1, 2012

BBQs and Surpise Ice Cream Parties

Happy September!

Good Lord, is summer almost over already? Didn't it just start? I swear we've barely gone to the beach!

...Oh yeah. We haven't gone to the beach much because it has rained every.single.weekend from late July Very funny God.

We had planned a small little barbecue between us and two other families in our townhome building that we are closest to since one of the families is leaving tomorrow for a week long cruise and school starts next week and oh yeah it's Labor Day weekend which means some sort of barbecue is required by law. But also because while our neighbors are gone on their cruise, Calen's favorite big buddy Kyle has his birthday. And a couple weeks later, Kyle's big brother Tyler has his birthday. So we devised a sneaky little plan to have a surprise little ice cream party for the birthday boys following the barbecue. 

The honorary almost 8 and 10 year old birthday boys
 The idea of a "little" ice cream party got more and more ridiculous as my other neighbor and I picked up more and more toppings, syrups and two pans of cupcakes. Hey, go big or go home. 

The spread
So we cleaned up the barbecue stuff and then sent Kyle and Tyler inside to "do something" while my other neighbor and I ran into our houses and grabbed all the goodies to set up outside. When the boys came back out, they were surprised with big birthday hats, two dozen cupcakes, three containers of ice cream, and TOPPINGS: whipped cream, gummy bears, gummy worms, marshmallow sticks, two bowls of sprinkles, cherries, and three different flavored bottles of syrup. 

Yeah, we went a little overboard didn't we? But hey, we were celebrating double birthdays. So that required double the fun.

Calen's "yummylicious" (according to him) ice cream
The kids sugared themselves up to the point of near sickness in 90 degree heat. Heat + sugar seems to create a deadly chemical reaction that sends kids into episodes of hyperactive hysteria. Some kids were belting out amazing renditions of "Party Like a Rockstar" and other classics on the karaoke machine that was brought outside. Other kids (ahem...mine) were leaping off picnic tables and stomping around the yard like some sort of Where the Wild Things Are reenactment. Babies were breakdancing (not mine) and stealing entire bowls of maraschino cherries off the table and devouring them, stems and all (sigh...mine.) It was a successful party.

Hmmm...I wonder who stole all the maraschino cherries? Definitely not Camden...

I've never seen my two little boys so ready for bed.

The birthday crew (minus the two babies)

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