Friday, September 21, 2012

Chance Has Met His Match

So I was coming back from grocery shopping this evening and I opened the back hatch and THIS GUY suddenly came flying in like an air raid attacking my gallon of milk:

Yes, it's a praying mantis.
I know nothing about praying mantis's. (is that even the proper way of writing it?) I've never even seen one in real life before today. 

What I do know is that they're BIG. 

And they fly. 

And their legs are huge and they have little boxing arms in the front and when they're pissed they stand up and box you. Or something. 

Did I mention it's HUGE? 

I am not afraid of bugs, but I did not want to touch it. It freaked me out. I was afraid it was going to knock me out with it's little boxing arms and then pin me down and chew out my eyeballs or something. It was big enough to do so. 

But I HAD to catch it!

So I ran inside and grabbed a mason jar and caught it. And the little bastard was violently attacking the mason jar. This was a dangerous situation. 

So like any good nature lover I brought it inside to take a picture and then decided to see who would win a battle to the death: the mantis, or my dog. 

Chance vs Mantis round one DING! Mantis TOTALLY kicked the crap out of the dog as he kept trying to bite it and then FREAKED out when it would punch his lip.... and then cling to it and not let go! He'd shake his head violently and the mantis would go flying...rinse and repeat. 

Juno is a much smarter dog and sat next to me as I video taped the carnage. She knows better. 

Finally Chance would just snatch up the mantis in his mouth and walk around the house in circles for several minutes. You could even see little legs hanging out. There was no way the damn bug could survive. 

Or so we thought!!

That damn thing just would.not.die. Chance would spat it out and it would leap up and attack him and the battle was on again.

In the end Chance did kill the mantis. After like ten minutes.

Good killer puppy.  

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