Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Supersoaker: The Evolution

When I was a kid, we had Super Soakers. 

The classic, fill up the water tube, screw it into the gun, pump and shoot ten thousand feet Super Soaker. 

THESE. This exact one was in my garage. 

My old baby, circa 1994

 They still have Super Soakers of course and they still reign as supreme ruler of water guns. But they're different, more modern, sporting new age colors of white, navy blue and orange. And, with the modern times, comes technology. 

While there are still the classic pump-and-go soakers, they now have battery operated power soakers. That's right. No pumping, just pull the trigger and shoot. 

Battery operated, 2013. The blue and orange clip on the bottom is removable and compatible with extra clips.
While normally I'd say to hell with that new age crap, I jumped at it to prevent constant nagging of "will you pump this up?" from my 4 year old who probably doesn't have the man strength to fully pump a soaker yet. And while it doesn't spray half as strong as a normal soaker, it still shoots, and that's what counts.

And no more screwing water tanks into the gun. Now, they come with ammo clips. Fill the clips with with water, screw on the lid, and snap in place to your gun. Which is even more effective when you have more than one (in our case). The clip on the gun runs out, Calen runs over, pulls out the empty clip, grabs the full extra clip that I have at the ready, snaps it in, shoots. Takes five seconds. Meanwhile while he's shooting I am refilling clips. Never.Ending.Water Battle. 

I have to admit, the evolution of Super Soakers is pretty fantastic. But, I still hold dear to my classic roots.

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