Tuesday, September 3, 2013

School Buses and Batman Underpants

First of all, my big man had his first day of real big boy elementary school. Pre-K at Cape May Elementary School is the real deal. Full day schedule, school bus to and from, the works. 

This ain't your mama's Pre-K. 

Calen of course thrives on it. The only thing he didn't like about his 1st year of preschool last year was that it was only 3 days a week and half days. He wanted to be there all day, every day. So this is right up his alley. 

I'll admit I was more than a little anxious about my 4.5 year old riding a big school bus ALL the way to school (which is a whopping mile away. Maybe a mile and a half, people). What if he can't figure out the seat belt (welcome to the new age folks, where school buses have seat belts. They clearly didn't care as much about our well being when we were kids)? What if he forgets his backpack on the bus? What if he can't figure out where the hell to go once he gets off the bus? WHAT IF.....

But luckily, some other "What If" thinker upper figured it all out for me. The kids are escorted off the bus and walked directly to the cafeteria (and from there to their classrooms), and vice versa in the afternoons. And my neighbor friend recruited her two older experienced girls to help Calen on and off the bus (and keep track of that backpack). I didn't really have a reason to not let him ride the bus. Besides, he was begging to ride the bus. BEGGING

Besides, riding the bus meant I didn't have to drag Camden with me. Those who had to witness me taking him with me to drop and pick up Calen at the little preschool last year will remember the incredible joy Cam had running inside the classroom, followed by the violent fits of rage as I had to drag his literally kicking and screaming carcass back home. The kid wants to go to school, people, whether he's old enough or not. 

So anyways, I let him ride the bus. I would talk more about how his first day of school went today, except I don't know, because all he would talk about is his bus ride. He really likes riding the bus. 

Also, his first words off the bus:

"Hi mom! I'm BACK! I rode the school bus from school!" 

I thought it was pretty cute. 

Not even off the bus and he's shouting at me about his bus ride.

Meanwhile, it was the first day of "school" for Camden. I swore all summer that as soon as Calen was gone all day at school I was going to dedicate myself to finally potty training the short diapered monster in my house. 

Day #1 went exceptionally well. He went naked-baby all day, and I stuffed his face with juice and sent him to the bathroom every 7-10 minutes. It was completely and totally exhausting for both of us, but we made it with only three accidents in a nine hour training period. Even a poop! (sorry people). I consider it a runaway success. We'll see if tomorrow works out as good. 

1st day wearing underpants discovery: Butts are accessible to scratch now.

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