Sunday, August 21, 2016

Day 180: The Closing Ceremony

Unfortunately for everyone in this house, the closing ceremonies were today, and the 2016 summer Olympics have come to an end. 

The last two weeks have really been fun for our family. The kids are old enough to learn about the different countries, and even Brad and I were introduced to sports we had never actually watched before (handball is stupid, rugby is amazing, fencing is absurdly confusing and badmitton shouldn't be an Olympic sport). We especially loved eating Brazillian food basically the entire two weeks (because we couldn't get enough of that pork and rice!). 

The kids watched the Olympics every morning when they'd wake up, and basically all day before school started last week. We'd pick an event and talk about the featured athlete's country, where it is on the map, what the geography is and what the people dress like. Then we'd print their flag and color it, and hang it in our dining room which was the new Olympic Village. We made it through 26 flags/countries before today (13 per kid). I'd say we did pretty good. 

Definitely my favorite Olympics I've watched thus far. Super excited for the winter Olympics in 2018. 

Our Olympic Village

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