Friday, March 3, 2017

A Person's A Person No Matter How Small

I guess yesterday was Dr Suess Day, or his birthday, or something involving him. I only know this because Facebook told me. 

Good ol' social media saving the day again. 

We didn't do anything Dr. Suess-y. We didn't even read a Dr Suess book, even though we own many of them. 

How rebellious of us. 

My favorite Dr Suess line is "A person's a person no matter how small" (Horton Hears A Who). It's an especially good reminder for me, as a parent, to speak to my children as humans, and not less-than. It's also a good reminder to them that they are people, and thus need to chew one bite of food at a time, and can't pee at the playground. You know, balance.

In small people news today, Camden lost a tooth. 

And you know, my kids NEVER lose teeth normally. There is always some sort of story to go with it. 

This tooth somehow got loose naturally. I think. The kid face plants a lot that he might have knocked it loose at some point. I knew it was loose which instantly means I want nothing to do with it. Loose teeth are effing disgusting and they trigger my gag reflex in ways I can't explain. Luckily, Camden takes care of his own loose teeth. He wiggles them (gag) and then yanks them out himself (even more gagging). I told him if he yanked it out too soon the tooth fairy wouldn't take it. Famous last words, of course. 

This morning at a some ungodly hour (a little after 3am, actually), I was startled awake from our bedroom door bursting open and a large voice from a tiny person "I LOST A TOOTH!!!!!!" and then switched our bedroom light on in the middle of the night after announcing "Uh oh, I dropped it. I can't find it." And thus began a five minute search for a tooth hiding somewhere on my bedroom floor, before I groggily told Camden "forget it, we will find it tomorrow" which THEN brought on tears because Cam thought that the tooth fairy would come right now if we found it, since you know it was nighttime. 

Go to bed, Cam. 

I somehow calmed Cam down and convinced him it was the middle of the night and tooth or no tooth, he needed to go back to sleep. Then I went back to bed, hoping and praying on my way back to my side of the bed I didn't step barefoot on a tooth, because gross. 

Also, Brad slept through all of this. Because of course he did. 

Once morning (real morning) came, Cam found his tooth (under my bed) and I ceremoniously set an alarm on my phone to not forget the tooth fairy tonight, because can you imagine if I did. 

Also today, Calen was asking where the Angels baseball team was from, and I answered "Los Angeles, California", Camden goes "Why are the angels lost in California?!" 

Oh Cam, please stay small. 

A person's a person no matter how small!

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