Monday, March 6, 2017

Chucky And The Slime Pit

This was actually about yesterday. But I'm too tired to post about today. 

Other than sports, the kids and I haven't had a lot of interaction the last few days. Because those sports are taking over our lives. We have, or had, practice or a game for the past 3 weeks. Calen was finishing up a basketball season, and baseball started for both boys. The only day we had that was sports free was Sunday, but I work Sunday nights at the exchange on base. So, that doesn't leave for a lot of spare time lately.

Brad went off to help work one of the boys' league's baseball fields today to get ready for opening day, so it was just the kids and I this morning before I had to leave for work. The weather was absolutely crazy, with sunshine and then suddenly hail and then rain with wind, so we decided it was best to stay inside and find something fun to do. 

Yesterday, I wandered into Michaels' and found these stupidly cute little forest homes with little pewter gnomes and all sorts of accessories to decorate for spring. I thought "hey! How cute would it be for the kids to build a little home for a little gnome", especially since it would be a good substitute for St Patricks Day, since we are absolutely zero percent Irish at all. Also, I had a gift card so it was basically free. 

I brought home a little terracotta plate and some fake moss, the little house, a gnome, and some stepping stones and mushrooms. I showed the kids and excitedly asked if they wanted to build the little gnome a home. 

"Yeah, I guess so." "Not really." said Camden. They didn't seem too impressed. 

But, they built a little home and got sorta kinda into it the more they did it. They argued over what the gnome's name would be. Cam offered "Chuck E Cheese" and they both agreed on the shortened "Chucky". As if a gnome in your house isn't creepy enough, name it Chucky. 

It took a whopping twenty minutes and they were done and then asked if they could go back upstairs and play. They really didn't seem thrilled with it but I find the little gnome house a charming spring decoration in our entryway. 

Can't win them all.

We still had time before I had to go to work, and I wanted to salvage the day. So I pulled out a boxed science experiment that we had been saving for a rainy (hailing) day. This one was easy and further up the boys' alley: slime making. 

The kit had this mystery powder that you add water too and mix. After a short time mixing it turns into slippery, slimy, slime. We split it in half and the boys enjoyed playing with it (at the table, in a contained plate) and seeing how stretchy it could get. We discovered later it glowed in the dark, so they'd take turns carrying their plate of slime into the bathroom and turning off the lights. 

Definitely more exciting than building a gnome house. 

Gross booger there, Calen 

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