Monday, March 11, 2013

The Calm Before The Storm

We had a really lovely quiet day.

"Quiet" is a relative term in a house with two boys. But it was quiet compared to a normal day. 

The boys spent an hour and a half playing Playdoh and coloring at the table. This is probably a world record for them holding still at the same time. Especially for Camden, who won't even hold still for the duration of a meal. 

Camden didn't really give a crap about Playdoh, but he did enjoy dumping out the cup of crayons, refilling the cup with said crayons, then clapping and saying "Yay!!!" and then dumping out the cup again and repeating the process. Over and over. While Calen and I built Playdoh houses and snakes and birthday cakes (with crayons for candles). 

Oh and we broke the rules today and mixed Playdoh colors. :Gasp!: :Shock!: :Horror!: And then we even colored on the mixed Playdoh with markers. Hey, if you're going to sin, sin big....

A few hours later, we all paid for our perfect quiet day. Camden had violent explosive diapers, and Calen barfed his tiny little guts out for only the third time in his little life. And both Brad and I feel iffy, but neither of us are sure if we are legitimately sick or maybe we just have sympathetic tummy aches due to watching Calen purge-all.

Nothing is free in this world, is it?



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