Sunday, May 8, 2016

Day 75: Happy Kid Survival Day

It's Happy I Live With Tiny Humans That Drive Me Crazy And We Need To Celebrate My Survival Day!

Also known as Mother's Day. Because it's easier to say. Less syllables you know. 

I normally don't like to be fussed over at all. I'm pretty low maintenance and as long as I didn't have to deal with any major drama in kid-form today, I was happy. But, I did have some very specific requests for today. I wanted a family outing of some sort in the morning, Brad's homemade cheeseburgers for lunch/dinner, and an entire afternoon on the sofa in front of my Playstation uninterrupted. 

Chocolates and flowers be damned. Give me an adventure and a game controller. 

This morning we got up fairly early and went to Muir Woods (redwood forest) near San Francisco. I've been wanting to hit up this place since we moved here and it finally worked out where it was a coolish day on the weekend that wasn't raining or had previous plans. And it was Mother's Day so it was the perfect adventure I was looking for. 

Being from Washington, I have high expectations for forests. But these seriously passed the test. They were so green and dense and the trees were HUGE, even though they aren't the big drive-your-car-through-the-trunk redwoods. We spent about 4 hours hiking through the trails, and the kids never complained once. They loved feeling the moss and trying to wrap their arms around the trees and listening for woodpeckers. The whole time I kept thinking, "We're 15 minutes from San Francisco and you wouldn't even know it," because we could have just as easily been somewhere in the middle of Canada on an episode of Survivorman. 

Then I got to come home, put on my sweatpants, and play my Playstation while the kids played upstairs and Brad made my requested cheeseburgers. 

Family time and me time? Super fantastic Mother's Day. 

I didn't bring my camera, but I'm really impressed at what my new cell phone can do. For a cell phone. 

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