Sunday, January 1, 2017

Day 312: Snow Days Are Best Enjoyed With Friends

We all turned the corner just slightly in our head colds today. Welcome back to the land of the living, Hansen family. 

We also woke up to colder temperatures and a solid 3 inches of fresh snow on the ground. So of course the first thing coming out of the boys mouths this morning was "IT'S SNOWING CAN WE GO SLEDDING CAN WE PUH-LEEEEZE GO PLAY IN THE SNOW?!" 

Being that I'm a 10 year old girl trapped in a 30-something year old's body, I naturally told the kids that I could put on all my snow gear and beat them outside. 

We went back to the sledding hill this morning, which was no longer a slush fest but a nice frozen hill with fresh powder and few people. We met up with some old friends from San Diego, who had retired from the Navy and moved to the Tri-Cities the same year we moved to Petaluma. Their daughter played tball with Calen and her little brother Ethan was Camden's little buddy on the bleachers. It was amazing watching the kids click together and us adults carry on as if 2 years haven't passed since we saw each other last. 

Ready for sledding!
Camden and his "favorite buddy" Ethan

Sledding collision! No tears, just laughter
We sled for a solid 3 hours or more, until the kids could hardly walk and I literally could not feel my toes. We went to lunch with our friends at Cured, a freaking delicious German sausage outdoor restaurant. We parted ways and came back to my grandparents to thaw out and watch the Seahawks play, then ran back out there to do some night sledding with the same friends. 

Those who haven't been to the little town of Leavenworth, Washington, have never seen such a beautiful place. It's a German themed town that is dressed to the nines in Christmas lights during the holidays. The center of town, and the sledding hill, doesn't even require street lights. It is lit as bright as dawn and has an ambiance unmatched anywhere. Add some light snowing and some Christmas music in the background, and you have your own classic holiday movie. Complete with kids screaming as they fly mid air off plastic sleds. 

Ready to do some night sledding!

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