Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Day 77: Sunday Funday

It's Sunday, and Sundays always start with hockey. 

We get up stupid early (generally around 5am), drive up to Santa Rosa, gear Cam up and have him on the ice by 7am sharp. He skates around and does drills and scrimmages and whatever else they teach at hockey camp for an hour and 15 minutes while I suck down coffee and try to act like I'm not totally shivering under my ski jacket, unlike the veteran hockey parents that are totally comfortable in their short sleeve shirts and flip flops. 

Sunday morning routine, walking into hockey!
Post-ice dress down. Rosy cheeks, sweaty hair, smelly kids. 
After hockey this morning Cam and I headed to the store to get him a much needed new bike. After a year and a half he had finally outgrown his old one, and while we let the size of his bike slide for a while, but then he completely blew out the back tire, and we decided it was time to replace it. 

He sat on several bikes, and after much deliberation he picked one two sizes larger than his last bike (which is still very large on him, but the one size down from it almost looked too small) that is a dark matte grey/black with bright orange trim, the colors of his Flyers hockey club, of course.

He spent the rest of the day riding his bike with Calen in the parking lot, happily announcing to every kid and adult that came by "I got a new bike!!!" and learning how to use hand brakes (a new thing in his little world). 

Calen spent the time riding his own bike and taking his next door neighbor classmate and lady friend for a ride on his pegs. 

Someday he will realize the significance of taking a girl for a joyride on his bike. For now it's totally benign, but girls certainly seem to flock to Calen. 

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