Friday, March 15, 2019

Day 34: Vanished Into Thin Air

It was kind of a fun but random day. The boys had another half day today, so we took advantage of the extra hours and went into town to get Calen a MUCH needed haircut. Afterwards we poked next door into the brand new Party City store, and wandered through the aisles. It's birthday season after all (Calen's in 2 weeks and Camden's in 7 weeks), so the boys had a lot of fun oogling over the birthday party possibilities. 

Tonight was a baseball practice day, so at one point I called Calen inside from playing at our neighborhood playground and asked him to change into his baseball uniform, which happened to be downstairs on the couch. Once I finally walked into the living room for the first time since he changed (and had already left with Brad), I saw this masterpiece of "not cleaning up after yourself":

It was as if Calen had just waved his magic wand, whispered a little "bippity boppity boo", and vanished in a cloud of smoke and a "poof!", the way his clothes had been perfectly dumped on the floor in the shape of an actual human. Even the socks are in the right place. 

I was completely and utterly annoyed with the fact that my almost 10 year old is incapable of putting his own clothes way, but instead of grumbling I found myself narrating a poetic story about the mysterious disappearance of the boy that filled those clothes 20 minutes before. 

"And then, as if by magic, he disappeared into thin air with a cloud of smoke and a poof, leaving only behind his wardrobe as evidence that he was even there at all."

I was still annoyed. But it made it more fun. 

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