Saturday, March 23, 2019

Day 41: FriYay

The sun finally came out a little today and the kids were basically outside the entire day, playing basketball, epic Star Wars Nerf battles and whatever else happens out on the playground by our house. How should I know, I just stay inside and wait for someone to come screaming (literally) into the house wailing that so-and-so didn't give them a chance to shoot them and it's not fay-errrrr. 

Some things don't change no matter how old they get. 

During lunchtime today we decided to picnic in the front yard together. Except, it was too wet to picnic, so we laid the picnic blanket out of the patio and sat there. The kids had a super healthy, homemade meal of Pizza Lunchables, while I enjoyed a bowl of tomato soup. 

We just aren't fancy around here. 

And then, they were off again, having a great time with ten of their closest neighborhood friends. 

Living on base is the best. 

The best part of the LAST pizza in a lunchable is it gets ALL the leftover cheese and sauce

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