Sunday, April 21, 2019

Day 67: Heat Wave

It got up to 70 degrees today, you guys. 

I mean, 70 degrees plus a really cold arctic windchill that probably dropped it to 60, but you know, the kids see 70 degrees and announce it's summer. 

Camden asked if we could pull out the small plastic wading pool and fill it up, and so we did. 

The boys lasted a lot longer than I had predicted. I predicted them to stand in it for five seconds and say "it's too cooooold" and leave. And while they did stand in it for five seconds and whined it was too cold, they decided to pull out some toys, throw them in the pool, and hang out on the outside of the pool and play with the pirate ships and the sharks and the krakens and whatever else was going on in that pool. Pretty soon neighborhood kids asked to join in, and it turned into a several-hour adventure. 

Fantastic, I say. Stay busy, be outside, and do something you don't usually do. 

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