Monday, April 24, 2023

Day 107: Fossil Beach

 The weather has been spectacular this weekend! It's almost pretending to be spring!

Don't worry, it's supposed to snow tomorrow. 


We took advantage of the sunshine and drove as far as the road (literally) goes to the western edge of the island, and spent the afternoon at Fossil Beach with our good friends. 

Fossil Beach is exactly what is sounds like. Carved out of the cliffs, it's a sandy beach with tons (and I mean, tons) of fossils sticking out of the rocks and cliffside. 

We (and by we I mean Brad and the boys) built a campfire on the beach to keep us warm (just because it's sunny doesn't mean it's warm - the high was 38), and we sat around chatting and watching the whale spouts and the curious sea lion while the kids built a driftwood Fort, found fossils and walked around talking about video games for five hours, and then ended the day with s'mores. A perfect sunny family (and friend) fun day. 

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