Friday, August 2, 2013

D&H Summer Games, Day 5

Today was the final day of our little week of summer games for the kids. Now that my Pinterest boards are thinned out and we've run out of ideas, I'd say it was time to call it good. But we saved the best for last. 


...or something similar to that name. 

Each kid took a water balloon from a bucket on the picnic table near the start line. Then, They had to hop into two hula hoops full of shaving cream, climb our little cube climbing toy that had a curvy sprinkler wrapped into it so they were being sprayed like crazy. Once they climbed through, they had to run and slide down the slip n slide, leap into a baby pool filled with water and shaving cream, then LEAP into the big pool with their water balloon. Then, run back to the start and do it again. The kid that threw the most water balloons in the pool wins. 

Calen LOVED this game and kept playing even after the balloons were gone. 

Calen's face of concentration is hysterical

Climb through the cube climber (Sydney rocked this game and was today's winner)
Slide down the slip n slide

Leap into the big pool. Calen had the best "leap"
Maybe an hour or so after our summer games officially ended, we decided to hand out "trophies". And the trophies were delicious ice cream treats. A bowl with an ice cream sandwich on the bottom, an upside down cake flavored ice cream cone on top, a dollop of whip cream with sprinkles and a cherry. I wish all trophies tasted that good. 

The kids (minus sleepy Cam) and their trophies. Good job on the Summer Games guys!

This actually turned out to be a really fun week. Even though the games were very simple (due to the kids ages), it kept them busy for a couple hours each day and the entire budget for the games (not including things we already owned) was $20. I'd say we got our money's worth.

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