Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Zoo

Yesterday it decided for once EVER to have absolutely zero humidity and be a wonderfully comfortable 75 degrees. Of course to my now-cold blooded family that meant WAY too "cold" to swim in the pool or go to the beach! So we thought hey, what a great morning to go to the zoo. 

Apparently, the entire county and all the tourists invading said county decided that my brilliant idea was in fact a brilliant idea and we should all go at the same time to this tiny zoo. 

It was a zoo at the zoo!

We lasted an hour or so in the zoo. Calen kept whining "there's too many PEOPLE here!" That poor kid is going to have a rude awakening come Disney World in November. We saw all the BABIES - and man there are a lot of them! Two new snow leopard cubs, a baby bobcat, baby monkeys and baby lemurs. Ahhhh! Enough to almost make you want a new baby. Or a kitten. ALMOST. Followed by a quick visit to the large playground that's on the zoo property, and we called it a day. 

Serves me right trying to go to the zoo during peak tourist season. I know better. No zoo after Memorial Day and before Labor Day. Period. 

Also, funny story about this tortoise. He was being enticed (however a tortoise gets enticed, that is) by a smaller turtle to come join her in the little pond. He lumbered slooooowly down to the water and then struggled to get his stubby legs over the big rocks into the water. It drew a crowd and we sat and watched the whole odyssey, and people clapped and cheered once he finally made it into the water like he won a tennis match. Which means they were clapping and cheering but they were very quiet and weird about it.  



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