Sunday, October 1, 2023

Day 268: Anything Off The Trolley, Dears?

 It's Sunday, and you know what that means. It's Family game night! 

I was ready for this one, let me tell you. 

Being that we finished the Harry Potter book series, and (as of tonight) are just about halfway through the movies, Sunday Game Night's snack board was going to very obviously have a theme. 

I love themes. I'm all about themes. Especially when it comes to food. 

A Harry potter themed snack tray is so easy, I did two. A feast board, and a treat board. 

For the feast, we did chicken drumsticks, green beans, potato wedges and sliced pickles (made to look like a bucket of slugs, which had a tag that said "Eat Slugs, Malfoy!" - credit to the moment of Chamber of Secrets when Ron tried to curse Draco, but it backfired, and Ron ended up puking slugs for a good bit. All in the name of defending Hermione, of course!)

For the treat board, Calen and I made pumpkin pasties, I sorted peanut butter M&Ms into our three family houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw), to signify the "house hourglasses" (Hufflepuff was totally winning. You're welcome). Then I added orange Oreos, candy pumpkins, and lemon drops, of course. It had a tag that said "anything off the cart, dears?" - A tribute to the treat trolley witch on the Hogwarts Express. 

Tonight's game: Flamecraft, a new family favorite about a city of dragons running little shops. 

Tonight's movie: (Year 4) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. 

Funny end note: During the movie, at the part when they all attend the Yule Ball and Hermione appears wearing a super fancy dress and looking absolutely gorgeous, there were two reactions in the household: 

Calen: "Ugh! Too fancy! That dress is far too frilly. 
Camden: "Are you kidding?? She looks fantastic!!!"

They proceeded to argue over whether she looked good or not. Calen said he wasn't into fanciness, and Camden declared "I love balls! Well...not in that way. But dances! I'm all about them! Getting dressed up and all that."

Later, Camden mentioned "Ron is jealous. And he should be! I bet he's kicking himself watching her dance with that idiot. He should have asked her out YEARS earlier."

I died laughing. But I mean, he's not wrong!

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