Saturday, February 25, 2012

Boys are Cavemen

I woke up to it being sunny today. Now I'm from the Pacific Northwest, and when we see sun (especially in February), we go in PANIC MODE.

WHERE ARE MY SHORTS?!?! WHERE ARE THE LAWN CHAIRS?! We need to wash the car, mow the lawn, go to the zoo, go to the beach and barbecue ALL BEFORE 6PM!!! Find the sunscreen STAT!

Well what can I say, old habits die hard. After 26 years in the greater Seattle area, I woke up this morning and had a twinge when I saw the sun (even though we've been here 20 months already!). I was watching my friend's two boys today, and I had GREAT outdoor ideas. After all, it was 70 degrees two days ago.

And then I stepped outside and -3000 degree winds hit me in the face. It's a curse of living 500 yards from the ocean (in the winter). So I shut the door, said a few four letter words, threw a bunch of sheets and blankets over the dining table and chairs and made a fort. The boys were delighted.

Can I EAT here?? This is SO fun! I play with my cars in here! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay whooooo!

God I love how easy boys are. Not that girls wouldn't appreciate a good blanket fort, but the way they play with them is different. There's so much THOUGHT involved with a girl. Because usually they mature faster, use more dialogue blah blah blah all that philosophy stuff. I don't have a ton of little girl experience (except for a little girl I used to babysit, and my family members, and oh yeah I guess I'm a girl). Here's what happens when a little girl plays with a blanket fort. There's so much story, and dialogue, and involvement.

"Okay this is a castle and here is the princess and she's trapped in the castle and the prince has to find her but he hasn't found her yet. She's going to have a tea party with her other trapped princess friends in this castle wait I have to go get her a new pair of sparkly shoes for her tea party. And 40 other accessories. Can we bake some cookies for their tea party? Oh and they need tea too. REAL tea. No prince you can't come rescue the princess yet she is in the middle of a life-changing conversation with her pony! Let's do your hair princess so that you look BEAUTIFUL when the prince rescues you."


Now don't get me wrong, I love the imagination and pretend play with little girls. But at 7:30am in the morning, I might not be ready for that much involvement. Boys are CAVEMEN. Mine especially. They play with cars, trucks and trains, which of course never have such elaborate stories to them, so their (not their, Calen's) vocabulary is smaller. Here is blanket fort scenario with my almost-3 year old this morning.

"Wow CAVE this a CAVE I play with cars in my CAVE. Ready? Set? Go-VROOOOOOOOM OH NO CRASH hahahahahaha SMASH CARS!!!! I EAT IN MY CAVE Play dinosaurs IN MY CAVE RAWWWWWWWWWWWWR."


(Lack of punctuation was on purpose). See? boys are cavemen. They like caves. They like to eat. They like to smash things. They like to YELL LOUD.

Luckily all 3 of the bigger boys played very nicely today in their cave. Until baby Camden decided he wanted to be a caveman too, and pulled all the blankets off the chairs and ruined the fort.

"NO BABIES!!!!!"

That's how Calen yells at his brother. Always plural. I'm always looking around for another baby that might have randomly crawled into the house. They're like ants. They come in through cracks in the windowsills.

Luckily the fort cave was fixed, the crisis had passed and the cavemen could spend the rest of their morning in their cave. And now it's naptime. It's been an easy morning for me.

Calen and his little friends in the "Cave"

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