Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gingerbread Contests

We spent the afternoon/evening with our dear friends at their house just relaxing and letting the kids play together for once in a blue moon. 

And what do parents do while their kids are upstairs trashing playing upstairs in the bedroom? 

Competitive gingerbread house making, of COURSE!

It started as an argument over who could decorate a better gingerbread house. And since we only had two gingerbread kits and three (older) kids to decorate, we decided that it was much more fair (to the KIDS, of course) for us to decorate the houses and for the kids to stand by and watch judge. So we had a rousing competition between the dads and the moms as to who could decorate a gingerbread house better.

These are the important things in life, people. 

Calen and Cameron taking a bite out of the Daddy's gingerbread house
P.S. there was also a pretty intense Nerf gun battle between kids and adults (and then adults vs adults) and a wicked sword fight between the older boys and we watched their cat leap into the closed screen door glass like four times in a row. We apparently have a violent relationship with our friends. 

And we turn into oversized children when we are there. Which is always a sign of a good friendship.

P.P.S. according to the definitely unqualified judges (the kids), the daddy's won. Kind of. Sort of. But on Facebook the mommy's totally won. Which is far more legitimate. Obviously.



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