Friday, July 12, 2013

Get Wet

It rained. Again. Good God, can we get past the rain already? Doesn't God know that it's July on the Jersey Shore and we're supposed to be spending the days at the beach, and not stuck inside the house?

Well today enough was enough, we stuck our middle finger up at the sky and went outside to play anyways. 

Nevermind the fact that it rained almost 2 inches today alone, flash flooding occurred in some local areas (I drove to Walmart later tonight to find the road completely flooded with maybe 8-10 inches of standing water) and that while we were outside it rained harder than I had ever seen in my entire life. 

And I know rain, people. 

But that won't stop us from having a good time. The boys donned their rain gear (though it was raining so hard it didn't keep them even close to dry) and took off running up and down the sidewalk and in the parking lot. 

After maybe 45 minutes we were all completely and utterly soaked (even though I was just standing there, I had to change all my clothes and undergarments. It was raining THAT hard). 

But they at least got to release some of that cabin fever, even if it was running barefoot in the rain (after their boots were completely filled with water and they abandoned them).

And then they went inside and watched NASCAR in their underwear. 

Country boys, the both of them. 


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