Wednesday, July 31, 2013

D&H Summer Games, Day 3

We kept it a little more key today. One of my intended games had failed miserably (no thanks to my miserable attempts at dismantling a large climbing toy to use for said game) so we did two smaller games today. 

Today's agenda:

1. Water Balloon Home Run Derby
2. North Pole Bowling

The first game was the Home Run Derby. It's ridiculously simple. Take a tball stand. Fill up a bucket or two of water balloons. Place a water balloon on the tball stand (be careful!). Let the kids swing away. There are no basemen, no fouls, no outs (though I think you could incorporate some sort of "out" for older kids to make it interesting). Just swing and watch the balloon detonate on impact. Next kid takes a turn, etc. There's no real point to it other than the sheer awesomeness of blasting a water balloon with a bat. 

My lefty in our midsummer classic
The second game was a unique form of bowling. Last night I froze some water balloons in the freezer. You know what that makes? Rock hard water balloons. There isn't a whole lot you can do with frozen water balloons, because you know if you throw them at people it kind of hurts and stuff. So we played bowling for a bit, until the kids found it much more fun to throw them at the sidewalk and watch them shatter. Hey, if it keeps them happy.

Bowling. Clearly Calen is better at baseball than bowling.
The aftermath. It's kind of a violent sport, isn't it?
Hopefully, HOPEFULLY, the weather will hold out for day 4 tomorrow. It's supposed to rain and be all lame and only 73 degrees. Boo. 

I like how 73 is "too cold" for water activities now. We've been here too long. 

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