Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day 40: The Rice A Roni Cars

My mom is here in town, so we decided to head into San Francisco this morning and be tourists for the day. We've all been before but it's such a fun city to go to, you can make something new of it every time you go. 

The kids had never been to Pier 39 so we parked down near it and had lunch at the famous Boudin Sourdough bread bakery, which none of us had ever been to. They have a window outside where you can watch them roll dough into french rolls while baskets of baked bread float by on a suspended track overhead. We obviously had bread bowls for lunch (mine had tomato basil soup inside) and sat in outdoor seating to watch and listen to the street shows (for better or worse). 

After lunch we walked uptown a few blocks and caught the Powell-Market cable car. Like the good pesky tourists we were, we waited for a later cable car so that we could get the outdoor seating and Brad and I could stand and hang onto those poles and lean out into traffic like some kind of San Francisco musical. 

When I was a kid, I used to call them the Rice a Roni Cars and I couldn't help but hum in my head the old mid 90s' commercials about the "San Francisco treat! Rice a roni, the flavor can't be beat!" the whole time we were on it. 

We went up Nob Hill and passed the Transamerica pyramid tower and the Coit tower and went through the outskirts of Chinatown, and it dropped us off at some ridiculous ultra-classy mall place with outrageous stores that are out of our league like Bloomingdales and Michael Kors and any other store you can think of that requires it's own security guard and Swiss bank account just to walk in the door. We went into the mall to use the bathroom, nothing more, and I wondered if by being inside the building with just a hoodie and not-so-designer jeans from Kohl's, if everyone around me thought I was homeless. 

Really, we had no business being in this snooty part of San-Fran, so we hopped back on the trolley and rode it all the way back to the Fisherman's Wharf. The kids of course loved this little adventure and it was an easy way to "tour" the majority of the city. I even let Calen stand for the last 2 minutes of the ride. 

We really didn't do anything else of note today, but it still made for a great adventure. Luckily we live close enough to San Francisco that we will have dozens of adventures there before our 4 year tour is up. 

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