Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Day 14: Choose Your Own Adventure

I'm getting really tired of these rainy days. 

Okay, before you get all huffy and say "But you're from Seattle, you should be used to the rain!", let me say that yes, I am used to the rain. When I'm in Seattle. But I'm not in Seattle, I'm in mother effing sunny California. And it's rained the last 9 out of 10 days.

Anyways, once I got over myself I had to get creative with the kids this afternoon since they were stuck inside (again) and are starting to get a little stir crazy.

I bought this game at the book store in town this past weekend. The concept is this: each six sided dice has various pirate themed pictures on each side. Roll all (eight) dice, and whatever pictures you get, create a story about it. This might not have caught the kids attention whatsoever except it's pirate themed. 

Okay audience, the dice are rolled, what's your story? The red means it's a super power. 
I thought they would like it? They LOVED it. We all took turns and told two different stories each. Calen's were even pretty clever, for never have been required to make up a story in his head on the spot before. Brad's stories were detailed and spectacular, of course, as he's the head storyteller in the house. Even Cam started to get it towards the end, and tried his best ("Once upon a time, there was a pirate, and a seagull, and a net, and an anchor, and...the end") though the concept was over his head. 

Anyways the game was a runaway success and I strongly recommend it to any family for a rainy day (or season) when you're not in the mood to pull out an entire board game and dedicate an hour to arguing over the rules. 

The boys are completely wrapped up in Daddy's elaborate story
After the kids went to bed, Brad and I had our now-weekly in-home date night: pick the WORST movie in the sci-fi section on Netflix, and watch it while adding our own distinguished Mystery Science Theater 3000 commentary. Today's feature film was this:

Because we hadn't watched this Oscar winning blockbuster yet...
And I TOTALLY won First Place for "Who's the first almost-main cast character to get eaten by a shark flying out of a tornado" award. I called that sucker. I expect a trophy on the table when I wake up tomorrow morning. 

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