Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 16: El Nino Is A Punk-Ass

It hasn't stopped raining in days. 

I don't mean a little drizzle rain. I mean torrential downpour, flash flooding rain. 

I know, I know. California is in a 300 year drought or something and the rain is so good for the environment and we need it, blah blah blah. But it's practically spring and the kids and I are stir crazy.

El Nino is a punk ass and he's the reason my kids are watching too much tv and playing too many video games. 

So today in a bout of desperation I dragged the picnic table into the garage and dried it off, then pulled out one of my "rainy day save the kids from making me kill them" activities. 

In the form of kinetic sand (or as the kids call it, "squishy sand"). Add some dollar store construction vehicles, and you're set for a good hour of peace and quiet. 

(that stuff is rad. We've had it for over a year and it hasn't dried out. It's expensive but it lasts and it holds the kids attention way better than actual sand. Think sand + playdoh. Even I like playing with it). 

It's supposed to rain nonstop for the next four days and my phone keeps freaking out over flash flood warnings. Maybe the next garage activity should be to start building an ark. 

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