Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 32: The Last Day of Six

Holey moley, Calen will be SEVEN tomorrow. 

I swear, yesterday he looked like this:

BABY. One day before his 1st birthday 2010
And now he's a big, smart, funny, smelly, little man-boy. 

He can read and swim and make his own bed and does homework without help (usually) and does all this crazy stuff I never thought a little baby burrito seven years ago could do. It's weird and exciting and sad all at the same time. 

So, we had another full day. Because his birthday tomorrow is also Easter, We punched out an Easter activity today to try and focus on his birthday most of the day tomorrow. So we dyed eggs out on the front porch. 

The majority of my day was birthday prep. Cake day, wrap his present, get the decorations up. His friend-party isn't until Friday but I still wanted to make it fun in here. As far as I'm concerned, tomorrow is Calen's birthday first, THEN Easter. 

I can see how people born on major holidays would find that holiday a total drag. It gets lost and forgotten behind the holiday. And every store in the nation is closed so you can't even go do anything. 

Calen's birthday wish was to go to the sprint car races in town. Lucky for him, opening weekend was tonight, so we went out and spent the evening watching the races. It was cold (but it's always cold there) and loud and awesome. Calen told me it was his "best birthday present ever". 

Thanks Grammy and Papa!

And that's that in a nutshell. I still have tons of prep to do before tomorrow and tomorrow is only an hour away. 

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