Thursday, March 17, 2016

Day 23: A Day In The Life

Are you ready for a serious photo overload??

A few days ago, one of my dear friends posted a "day in the life" photography journal. The content is self explanatory, down to the little details that someday when our kids are grown and gone, we may forget. She is far more gifted and talented as a photographer than I am so hers is more of a piece of art, but I thought it would be fun to walk around today with my camera (though I did use my cell phone a couple times once the kids started acting weird in front of the camera and I was losing the reality of the day). 

Let me say this is just as exhausting as she said in her blog that it was, half the time I forgot to snap a picture until it was too late, and I've come to realize I really, really, need a high aperture zoom lens for inside my house (mainly, to zoom OUT). 

It was a half day today which is the main reason I chose today to do this. I also chose today because Calen had a baseball game and then we planned on going out as a family after. But Brad was home sick all day and the baseball game was cancelled because the fields are still flooded from the Biblical amounts of rain we got last week. So I had to be creative to not only keep the kids busy for half the day, but also out of the house away from Brad. But all in all, it's a pretty typical day for our busy family. 

But here it is, Thursday, March 17th, 2016. 

Getting ready for school:

Once the kids are away at school I have 3 solid hours to myself: 
Facebook and coffee, uninterrupted. 
Having to get out of the car to chase the indifferent turkeys off the road so I can pick up Cam from school
dinosaur sandwiches (and eggs) for lunch on the patio
After lunch we walked over to the skate park on base and Cam ran over a baby lizard...

Then it got hot so we played in the garage for a while. The kids created ramps for their monster trucks, had a quick snack and then played some catch. 

Snack break. Calen called it "fast food"
I couldn't take a picture of us playing catch, because there were balls being thrown at me. 
Then the neighbor boys got home so the kids armed themselves (literally) and headed to the playground:

Calen informed me they were playing "Dino Power Rangers" and he was the green power ranger that turns into a velicorapter. 
Brad was home sick all day so we clearly tried to stay out of the house all day. Dinner rolled around so we headed to Costco for dinner, and sat by the window where we could watch them make the pizzas. 

And then headed down the road to the batting cages. 

Once we got home it was homework time, then stories and bed. 

Cam snuggles with a shark every night. A shark. 
And then he kissed Hulk Smash goodnight. 

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