Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Overboard Extravaganza (how many syllables is that?)

If I were diabetic, I'd be in a coma. 

Actually, I'm hypoglycemic (low blood sugar). Which is different, but it is most common in people who have diabetes (but I don't). But anyway, it's kind of related. Or something.

I also think that the 22 pounds that I worked so hard the last two months to lose came back in the last 12 hours. 

Damn you delicious Easter candy.

And all the other sugary food I ate at brunch today.

We started off our Easter Sunday with sleeping in until 8am.

Ummmm HELLO that never happens. Ever. Not with my wretched early bird children. 

We had Easter bunny pancakes (which actually looked more like crossbred hamster-bunny zombies that got run over by a bulldozer. Twice.) and then the boys got to open their Easter baskets. 

Actually, BEFORE they got to OPEN their baskets, I tried to get a picture of the boys and their baskets. Ha. Calen spotted a much-wanted Thomas train and wouldn't leave it alone. Camden was munching on the basket, a new ball, Easter grass, etc. Finally I was like WHO CARES and let them have at it.

Screw nice pictures. Lets just get down to business Mom.

Then we went to brunch at a friend's house and had donuts, pastries, all sorts of sugary tasties. And then the kids had another Easter egg hunt.

Because they needed more sugar at this point.   

But this wasn't your grandma's Easter egg hunt.

It took six or seven adults a good twenty minutes to hide all 4 million eggs all over this large backyard. And since they were all older kids (except for mine), they hid them well. Up in trees, in the bushes, inside daffodils (no joke), etc.

Okay, it wasn't 4 million eggs. But it took a wagon full of a massive rubbermaid bin of eggs, plus like two large plastic bags of eggs. So ummm...a ton.

He didn't get enough candy today. So we sent him out to find more.

There were a good amount of kids, and Calen got less eggs than any other, but he still held his own pretty well (mama helped him a little by pointing out eggs...HEY, it isn't cheating when he's only three and the other kids have 3+ years on him). 

Not like he NEEDED a lot of eggs anyways. We are never getting rid of all this candy.

Even Camden got to hunt eggs. Well not really. While the grownups were hiding the eggs, I took a larger sized egg out of the wagon and threw it in the grass for Cam to "hunt". He didn't disappoint me. This way he still got his little hunt and then I didn't feel bad keeping him inside so he didn't get run over by excited egg-lust crazy sugar monsters during the actual hunt.

My vicious predator coming in for the kill.

Because we hadn't had enough of Easter festivities, we got on Skype and the boys got to open another Easter basket each, from Grammy and Papa back home. Which had more candy that my already strung-out three year old instantly devoured. 

Actually, if any of us were going to go into a diabetic coma after today, it would have been Calen. In fact, he ate so much candy he didn't take more than three bites of dinner.

It was a ton of fun today. Cam was out by 6:30. Calen is in bed but he's probably still twitching from chocolate overload. 


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