Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Graveyard Yogo Style

I remember when I was a kid the cool thing to do at the pizza or fast food joints was to be dared by your friends take your cup to the fountain drinks and pour some of each flavor and mix it up. It was affectionately called The Graveyard.

You know, because everyone likes a little Iced Tea and Sunkist Orange soda with their Dr Pepper. 

Don't make fun of me. You know you did it too. If you didn't you were a wussy.

Apparently the Graveyard circa 2012 is not just limited to fountain sodas. Now kids with broken tastebuds brave souls can risk mixing strange concoctions into their frozen yogurt. 

WHOA, did you feel that shiver down your spine too? It's a dangerous world we live in. Carry mace.

We took my mom to the Yogo Factory today (one of my frequent haunts). It's one of about 3 things on this earth that is exclusively on the East Coast but should be on the West Coast, so she has never had the privilege of enjoying it. 

Sitting with grandma waiting to eat his yogurt concoction

Yogo has about 12 flavors of frozen yogurt on hand and maybe a couple dozen toppings (fresh fruit, crumbled cookies, sprinkles, candy, etc), which is what makes it so super delicious and each visit unique. 

Cam thought it was tasty too
I splurged today and let Calen have two flavors of yogurt today. So he chose strawberry and chocolate. And then I held him up to look at all the toppings and told him he could choose any toppings he wanted.


Here's what he chose. In order:

- fresh strawberries (good boy)
- fresh kiwis (make mama proud!) 
- rainbow sprinkles (okay, it's his choice, right?)
- chocolate chips (getting warmer)
- and........gummy bears.

Gummy bears?! On top of frozen yogurt? Ummm....ewww?

Sure sounds like a new-age Graveyard dare to me. 

Who am I kidding? My three year old would put gummy bears on his spaghetti.  

Yep, those are gummy bears on top of his frozen yogurt with fresh fruit. Crimeny.



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