Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Year Ago

Camden was born a year ago today.

First of all, there is no way in HELL that was a year ago. I refuse to believe it. He was definitely only born like four months ago. You people are crazy. 

Second of all, if you don't care to read a birth story, stop reading and come back tomorrow.

I went into labor the night of Thursday, April 21st 2011. I thought it was the greasy food I had for dinner that night that gave me gas. But my mom (who was in town...who is in town currently...deja vu anyone?) and Brad insisted I go to the ER. Fine, fine. Thus I find out it was not the fajitas (or whatever it was) that I ate, but lovely, atrocious back labor, so I stayed the night in the hospital.

EFF back labor. It sucks. It even sucks worse than vag labor. It was like every 3 or 4 minutes someone taking a big wooden club and thwacking me with it in the lower spine. Yeah, screw that nonsense.

The next morning I was demanding that the hospital staff bring me a cheeseburger. Or a steak. Or a steak cheeseburger. Something with a million calories that tasted remotely interesting, I didn't care, I was starving to death!

Doctors always claim that they don't let you eat in the hospital due to medical reasons/precautions/whatever. I think they just like to see us suffer.

That morning the doctors determined that I "was, in fact, in labor" since my contractions hadn't stopped in 12 hours. (no shit, Sherlock. It took you 12 hours to figure that out? P.S. I'm HUNGRY). My C-Section was scheduled for 10am that morning. 

If I hear one word about "WHY did you have a C-section??" I'll murder you in your face. I am so not interested in throwing myself into that continuous social mom argument. Quite frankly - WHO cares how the kid is born as long as they're healthy. I had a planned repeat C-section. There. That's how much I'm feeding you.

At 10:31am Camden William was born. Of course I couldn't see him due to that blue camping tarp thing they throw in front of you and your fillet belly (thank the Lord). I carried HUMONGOUS with Cam compared to Calen (who was born 7lb 12oz). So expected them to announce this world record breaking 45 pound baby. Then the news came out:

"Six pounds six ounces!"

The first thing I thought about in my second born's first few precious moments was...."That's it?? How the hell did he takes up so much ROOM in my stomach and end up only being a peanut?"

Thus the nickname "Peanut" that he acquired at about 2 minutes old. 

Camden seconds old

He was born on Good Friday. At first we thought it was super special, but there wasn't much "good" about this Good Friday (other than his birth) because it happened to be the day that our truck, which has never had a problem in the five years we owned it, suddenly broke down. After three days we were sent home (on Easter Sunday). We were borrowing our next door neighbor's little commuter car. We wheeled out to the parking lot, and discovered that the car's battery was dead. 


After a call to Triple-A and an hour sitting in the hospital parking lot, we finally got home to spend the rest of our Easter with our little basket of joy (literally). We took him over to the neighbor's in a little Easter basket and everything. 

Our Easter basket

One year has passed. Now Camden is a busy, crawling, cruising, loud little monkey. 

We spent today inside due to a torrential rain storm. We opened presents from the relatives, ate the last monkey cupcake from his party on Friday and Skyped with the grandparents.

Now the birthday monkey is happily asleep and I'm still sitting here wondering why we celebrated his birthday today when I know that he was only born like four months ago.

Someone is clearly mistaken....and I swear it isn't me. 

One year later!

 then, she {snapped}


  1. It's amazing how quickly time flies. I'll be celebrating my LO's 2nd bday in June and am none too happy about that! Savor each day as much as you can! :)

  2. Precious photo! It's hard to believe how fast they grow. :-)

  3. Yes...they grow up so fast huh? He's precious.

  4. So darling! Boy, they group so fast don't they? (I swear my teenagers were 4 and 5 just yesterday...)

  5. Oh so precious! :) :) Time flies for sURE!
