Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (With Words): Divas and Criminals

I am not used to little girls and their dramatics. 

I especially was not aware that said dramatics began before they could talk. 

I had our little friends from yesterday here again today for a few hours. The difference this time was that the kids (except for mine) were rested, so they were louder, faster, and more chaotic today. 

Especially Camden's little girlfriend Caroline, who likes things her way and is just a little bit of a princess. (Actually, a lot a bit of a princess. Let's not pretend). 

Caroline was not impressed with being dumped here (according to her I'm sure) for a second day in a row without her mama. 

So, she did what any 1 year old princess would do.

She sat on the floor, grabbed a package of wipes, turned so that she was facing me (on purpose), and glared at me with the most perfect sour-puss face you've ever seen, and proceeded to pull every.single.wipe out of the package, one at a time, and disgustedly flicked each one on the floor in front of her. All while never breaking eye contact with me. 

The look of a diva in disgust.

She thought she was making a point, I thought she was being pretty amusing.

MEANWHILE, Camden got in his own revenge of me not using up all the baby attention on HIM, so he took that opportunity to cause some trouble of his own, by stealing one of my socks and submerging it in the dog water bowl. 

I didn't actually catch him in the act. I was cleaning up the disaster house tonight when I found my sock still submerged in the water bowl. Sure, it could have been any of the five kids in the house today, but right next to the bowl lay Camden's pacifier, AND his Captain America doll that he's currently obsessed with.

Hmmmmmmmm. The perfect crime scene. I wonder who the criminal is...

The scene of the crime.

A favorite blogger that I follow (who actually lives in my home state!) has a fun thing called Wordless Wednesday But With Words. The idea is to just post a picture without words. (Except she likes words, so she uses them. I like words too). I especially like this idea when I'm straining to figure out something to write about every day. Anyways, check her out and link up to her on Wednesdays (or any other day of the week)! And you might find I will often take full advantage of Wordless Wednesday (With Words).
 then, she {snapped}

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