Thursday, September 15, 2016

Day 205: There's No Crying In Baseball (And Other Lies)

It was game day tonight. 

Both boys had games at the same time at different fields again, and Brad was at a meeting on base. So I dropped grandma and Calen off at his game and took Cam to his tball game. 

What a mess. 

I don't know what crawled up his little butt today, but he was done before he even started. He reverted back to his whining and screaming if another teammate anywhere near him got the baseball instead of him. And then at his second (and last) at bat, he didn't manage to hit the pitched balls today, and when they brought out the tee he basically lost his mind and sobbed and sobbed, and continued to cry after he hit the ball and ran to first. He cried while he stood on first, while he stood on second, and third, and cried his whole run into home plate. And by that point it had been like fifteen minutes and I said enough is enough and pulled him out of the game and took him into the car. Which caused him to cry more. Besides, we had another game to go to. 

Calen's game was already underway but we managed to see the last two innings. Their team (extremely inexperienced) went 0-3 with another loss but Calen made an out at 1st base!!!!! (He was the first baseman, shortstop threw the ball to him and he made the play) in which he gleefully announced after the game "I got a TEN YEAR OLD out at first!!!" He also finally made contact with a kid pitched ball and blasted it back to the pitcher who bobbled it, but still threw him out. 

And apparently it was just an overtired emotional day for both kids, because Calen started crying in the dugout and I'm like are you KIDDING ME and basically threatened both kids' lives if I saw another tear today. 

They should sell beer at youth sports snack shacks. 

Up to bat!
Misery in the form of a tiny blob

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