Saturday, September 17, 2016

Day 207: Spend A Fun Day

My mom has been in town for most of the week, which has been lots of fun. She got to watch both boys play baseball this morning, and then when we went home she took charge of the kids while Brad and I set off on a multi-hour date to the Japan-Town center of San Francisco. 

Japan-Town is not set up like say Chinatown is. Instead of a multiple city block district, Japan-Town is more like a one block mall. It consists of a hotel, a theater, and two-2 story buildings attached by a large open courtyard complete with towering pagoda. Inside the buildings are just about every Japanese storefront you could think of. Bookstores, tea shops, beauty salons, video stores, antique and novelty stores, and of course restaurants. All authentic Japanese (in fact most of it isn't even written in English). 

We perused through the bookstore first and then went upstairs to eat at a ramen house that my friend had taken me to several months ago with the best ramen ever and a sushi roll. Then we wandered through the shops, buying incredibly glorious Japanese trinkets and snacks and one of those cats that waves at you. 

Hot delicious ramen

Of our marvelous goodies we bought, Brad managed to find a cup with horrifically translated English that said "My Mug....Spend A Fun Day!" and we said SOLD because who wouldn't want a mug telling you to "spend a fun day." 

Spend a fun day!!
And who could pass up "instant boobs", which were inflatable balloon type things with a sticky back to them. 
Instant Boobs! Or in Spanish: Sorpresa Bomba Sexy!
Really you can't beat date night that involves ramen, instant boobs, bad translations and great company. 

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