Friday, June 8, 2018

Another Year In Blogging, Round 3

Baseball season is over, I'm only working 3 days a week, and the boys are on summer vacation. So the question is, what do I do with all this spare time I have?!

Why, do another year of blogging, obviously!

It's not like I have to take Cam to hockey 2 days a week, or Calen to baseball camp, or entertain kids all summer, or get a new puppy to train, or anything. I've got tons of spare time! I've got time to kill! Let's throw on another daily commitment. 

I don't know why I insist on doing this every year. 

Well, yes I do. Deep inside past the "ugh I HATE blogging" feelings, is the relief that once my kids move out and have their own lives, I'll have this library of memories to look back on. Because let's face it, none of us remember what we ate for dinner 3 weeks ago, let alone the cute/funny/obnoxious things our kids did seven years ago. 

The timing here is great, because it's the first day of Summer vacation! And I'm still in full on Pinterest Mom mode of "Let's Have Fun Martha-Stewart-Esq Activities Every Day This Summer", and haven't yet burned out and just tossed the kids a box of untoasted Pop-Tarts for lunch and allow them to play Minecraft for 13 hours straight. (But don't worry, that'll come soon enough).

We spent our first day of summer playing outside and going to the pool, of course!

And apparently the pool wore them out, because it left them irritable, and at dinner they were arguing about...barbecue sauce. 

Calen: "Ooooh, it says 'Habenero Fire Sauce'! I bet it's really hot"
Camden: "Yeah it is, if you squirt it on a tree, the tree will CATCH FIRE."
Calen: "It will not!"
Cam: "YES it will, because it's FIRE SAUCE. DUH."
Calen: "NO, only if someone drinks enough of the barbecue sauce and their mouth gets super hot and they start breathing fire could it catch a tree on fire."


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