Friday, June 15, 2018

Day 12: Rebel Scum

Rebel, as we all know, was named for Star Wars, as per the kids' request (actually, they wanted to name him Darth Vader, but I wasn't about to shout that out the back porch at night).

If we were to register him in the AKC (which we aren't, because it would have cost a kagillion dollars to purchase his AKC license -- we do have his Pedigree though), his registered name would have been Japatull's (breeder) Rebel Yell. Which isn't really Star Wars-esque but it's cute and I like it. 

But since we didn't register him, we don't have to always call him Rebel Yell and he can have two names. Like if he's being a complete shit and stealing all of our flip flops (which is a thing), we can go back to his Star Wars roots and call him Japatul's You Rebel Scum! 

Of course, since Rebel is named for Star Wars, just about everything involving him in the house is Star Wars. And since Petco has a Star Wars line, this was easy. (Do you hear that, Petco? I'm endorsing you! Give me a coupon or something?) His food and water bowls are Darth Vader and Chewbacca, respectively. Both his dog beds are Vader beds. His rope toy is a land speeder, and, today, we got him a Han Solo in carbonite doggie toy. 

Because why shouldn't a Han Solo in carbonite dog toy exist??

Rebel liked it, but really preferred yanking tiny Han Solo out of the carbonite and carrying him around like a dead mouse. 

You Rebel Scum, you. 

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