Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day 15: VBS

This week is Vacation Bible School at the chapel on base, and I volunteered to lead a group. 

I don't know why I thought I was going to have the time, or the energy, to do so, between training and housebreaking a new puppy (and being up half the night with said puppy, because he takes great joy in ripping a cardboard box into teeny tiny little pieces at 1:30 in the morning), and Junior Giants baseball camp, and hockey practice, and work. Sure, let's add one more thing!

It's fun, because Cam Bam is in my little group so I get to spend a lot of time with him this week, and I know most of the kids, so that makes it fun too. 

And then once VBS gets out at noon, we rush the whopping block and a half home to let Rebel outside, feed him (and the human kids) lunch, and continue our hard work to socialize him and train him. 

I'm TIRED you guys. 

Playing games with my VBS group!

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