Friday, June 8, 2018

Day 6: Comical

The other morning, I woke up to the kids already up (this is not an uncommon occurrence, since my children are apparently forever in Eastern Standard Time, and if they sleep until 6:15am, that's sleeping in), and very suspiciously quiet. 

So, I tossed myself out of bed, expecting to find the house on fire or painted neon green or something similar that might happen when boys are silent, instead to find them sitting in our "library" closet, drawing out their own comic books. 

Calen has been drawing a lot of comic books lately and is (dare I say) pretty talented at it, and Brad has been taking his comics to work and laminating them for him to keep.

While I love reading endless comic books about zombie stick figures being shot by the hero and then blown up by the hero and then the world saved by the hero over and over, I thought maybe I could spark some creative juices and enjoy reading a different theme, for once. 

So, I drew up a little "how to draw" this simple little astronaut, named Spaceman Bob. I told them "Here's Spaceman Bob, now tell me a story about him!" For extra fun, I tossed all the supplies in our teepee in the backyard. 

Calen started off writing about how Spaceman Bob landed on a new planet looking for life, and how a martian blew up his space ship (and Bob said "Darn, do you know how much that thing cost?!" - which I laughed at) and then he wandered on foot on the planet and found a telephone "house" (booth) and used it to call his boss to bring a jet down to destroy the martian. THE END. 

Camden's, while it didn't get finished, was about Spaceman Bob flying to a bunch of different planets (Earth, Saturn, Planet Fart, Poop Planet, etc) before landing on Jupiter and getting into a massive battle with aliens. THE END.

While I couldn't get either of them away from big battles and firefights, it was still cute and hilarious to see what they came up with. 

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