Monday, August 20, 2018

Day 73: The First Day of 4th and 2nd

Somehow, someway, I woke up this morning and my little babies, toddling around in their diapers and dancing to Disney Junior songs, are standing tall in their new outfits, fed and ready to walk out my door to FOURTH and SECOND grade, you guys. 

How in the hell did this happen? By 4th and 2nd, surely you mean 4 and 2 years old, as I always see them in my eyes. That was just last week! There's no way! Y'all are crazy. 

And yet, here we are. 

I am stunned by how BIG the boys looked today. Even though Cam hasn't really grown over the summer (who am I kidding, Cam just doesn't really grow), Calen has completely sprouted 7 feet and turned into a little man-boy-thing. 

As per tradition, we always take first day of school pictures with the same chalkboard sign. 

Calen specifically said he wants to be a "vulcanologist", which I either someone who studies volcanoes, or some guy on Star Trek. Either way, we compromised on "Scientist" when he grows up. Or, a car designer, because he has been completely and totally obsessed with cars since he was six months old. 

Camden of course wants to be a garbage man, because of course he does. 

I drove them to school this morning, and Calen mentioned he was super excited but kind of nervous. Camden was upset that he didn't have the infamous Mrs Jones, his teacher of the last two years. As we walked up to the school, Calen held Cam's hand and walked him to his new classroom. He of course saw Mrs Jones on the way and gave her a huge hug, then said hello to his new teacher, and he was fine. Calen was thrilled to find out there are 3 new boys in his 4th grade class, making a grand total of eight boys (and 16 girls). I was sad (inside, of course) that he was SO big and SO old, but Calen surprised me, as he usually does, and stopped on the way to the playground to give me the hugest hug. 

And just like that, the bell rang, and they were off on their new adventure. I stuck around in the "multi room" (gym/cafeteria) for the "Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast" and chatted with other parents that were roaming around like little lost puppies without their kids. 

And then I went home, cried a little like a baby because my babies are all grown up, and then reveled in the freedom of doing whatever I wanted for a couple hours in the middle of the day. 

And then I remembered, I still have one more baby at home, so he needed a chalkboard sign too. 

Happy first day, boys.  

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