Sunday, April 14, 2019

Day 63: Scale The Wall

We had another super fun semi-busy day today. 

Hockey season is winding down, but we still had to get up early to get Cam on the ice for his second to last Intro To Hockey session. I also had enough sense today to finally attach a Go Pro (or rather, a $50 Chinese knockoff of a Go Pro, because who actually wants to spend $400 on a glorified underwater camera with a fish eye lense that runs the risk of being run over/smashed/sunk to the bottom of the sea?) to Camden's hockey helmet for some hilarious first person view, complete with commentary. 

It was a good day to hook Cam up with a Cam-Cam (HA! See what I did there?), because they had a special pre-Easter celebration on the ice, complete with the Easter Bunny On Ice, and a super fun on ice egg hunt where the skaters were required to keep their hockey gloves on and *attempt* (key word) to pick up eggs off the ice with their gloves, then deliver them to us parents on the sidelines, one at a time. Camden took no shame in completely dumping himself headfirst into some of the training tires to find some of the eggs, which I'm sure will be great video later. 

Can you find Cam? Hint: He's head first in a tire

After hockey, we ran home and got some lunch, then walked to the base pool, where they had installed a brand new vertical climbing wall on the edge of the deep end. This is SO cool. As long as you can pass the swim test, you can climb the wall (beginner, intermediate and advanced sections), and either fall to your doom of the deep end, or, hit the top and celebrate by falling to your doom of the deep end. What's not to like?

Camden of course is a complete monkey, has incredible upper body strength and even at almost 8 doesn't hit 50 pounds, so he scaled all three sections of the rock wall without even struggling, even the advanced section, and probably climbed the wall a thirty times in the two hours we were at the pool. Calen struggled a little on the advanced section, but even he successfully climbed all three sections. 

Cam the monkey

Calen on the intermediate section!

They walked home tired and worn out, a good sign that it was a successful day today. 

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