Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 72: When It's 1000 Degrees

It hit like, a thousand degrees today. 

Actually it hit 92 degrees today in town. Which might as well be 1000 when you live in Coastal Northern-ish California. 

Personally, I LOVE this weather. Any time I can get sunshine and hot weather, I'm going to be outside doing anything I can to NOT go inside. 

The inlaws and I spent the day out on the front porch chatting while the boys were at school. When they came home, we set up the little kiddie wading pool in the driveway and had a pretty spectacular water balloon fight with kids and adults alike. 

I remember water balloons breaking a lot easier when you're hit by them when I was a kid. But it seemed today like every single water balloon would smash into a human body and ricochet off, leaving a great welt on your skin and a harsh reminder that someone had it out for you. 

After we ran out of water balloons (300 of them), the boys had a great time in the wading pool having an epic Lego water battle. 

Who doesn't love a scorching hot day?

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