Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 71: The Day You Turned Eight

It's Camden's 8th birthday, you guys. 


That's halfway to driving, ten years to adulthood. I can't even you guys. I can't even. 

*hides in corner* *sobs* *blows nose loudly*


We had a great day celebrating our tiny guy. The grandparents are in town, so that makes for extra extra special fun. 

We started the morning with traditional birthday pancakes. Whipped cream (Reece's PB cut flavor, because 8 year olds), sprinkles, a number candle, and some singing. 

After birthday breakfast the boys had to go to school, boo!! But luckily for them we had every intention of pulling them early to do some celebrating. 

Bonus points for going to the principal's office on your birthday for wearing your Heely's (rolling shoes) to school without Mom noticing and skating all over the school campus. Principal laughed. I kind of did too. 

So at 11am we yanked the boys out of school and came home, and Brad came home for lunch break so we could do birthday presents. Highlights this year included a couple small Lego sets, a Knex Nerf gun (coolest thing ever), rollerblade guards for his hockey skates, and new dinosaur Heely's (which was especially funny since he got in trouble at school with them today). 

Brad had to go back to work, but the fun wasn't over yet. The grandparents and I took the boys to Scandia, a family fun center type place, and did a round of miniature golf, got completely and totally soaked on bumper boats, attempted (and failed) to air dry doing go karts, and then spent an hour or so inside (shivering because we were still wet) in the arcade. The boys were elated that they managed to actually complete the Halo arcade game from start to finish (with help of two college kids, since it's a 4 player game), and announced it was well worth spending every credit they had on one game. I was also impressed that after every "chapter" where they showed the scores, Calen was beating the college kids in scores and kills, and he made sure they knew it because during gameplay he kept bossing them around on where to go and what to do. "OKAY GUYS we are going go up to this area and WATCH OUT FOR THAT SHIP you go right and I'll go left and DON'T FORGET TO USE YOUR GRENADES OKAY? OKAY GO GO GO". I doubt they were listening but it was funny anyways. 

After we totally exhausted ourselves at Scandia, we met Brad at Target to complete our tradition of letting the birthday boy pick out their own present(s). We gave him $100 and let him run amok in the toy aisles. After careful consideration, he picked a huge Star Wars Lego set, a Nerf gun (because we don't have enough), two small Halo "guys" (because obviously), and a little transforming dragon ball thing (Bakugan?). He walked away happy, and we were happy for him. 

And because we hadn't had enough fun, we finished off the night at Mary's Pizza (Cam's dinner of choice) for cheese pizza, french fries, and a chocolate sundae with a cherry on top. 

Now how can you top a birthday like that. 

Happy 8th birthday, Camden. 

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